Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Assistant Librarian @ Uttarakhand Techncical Universiy - Uttarakhand

Walk in interviews will be held on 13/01/2014 from 10 am at Institute of Technology, Gopeshwar for Assistant Librarian and Lab Assistant (On contract for 12 months) in Physics, Chemistry, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering to work at IT Gopeshwar (one in each field). Please walk with all testimonials in original.

Salary: Rs. 15,000/= pm consolidated for Assistant Librarian and Rs. 12000/= pm

consolidated for Lab Assistant.


Qualifications: B. Lib for Asstt. Lib. and Diploma in respective field for Lab Assistant. For

Lab Assistant in Physics and Chemistry, B.Sc. in respective field is desired.

Source: http://uktech.ac.in/sites/default/files/03.01.2013_Advertisement.pdf

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