Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Assistant librarian @ B.P.S. Mahila Viswavidyalya,Kha npur Kalan, (Sonepat) Haryana

Posts of Institute of Higher Learning (Constituent College of the University)

Assistant Librarian
No. of posts: 01
Category: BCB
Pay Scale: 5200-20200+2400GP

No. of posts: 01
Category: Gen
Pay Scale: 5200-20200+1900GP

Lab. Attendant
No. of posts: 02
Category: SC
Pay Scale: 5200-20200+1900GP

For details of qualifications, specializations & other general instructions/guidelines, application form etc. kindly visit the University website www.bpswomenuniversity.ac.in .

Constituent College of the University
The first women university in North India, equipped with the latest infrastructure and Stateof- Art facilities B.P.S. Mahila Viswavidyalya,Khanpur Kalan, (Sonepat) Haryana (A State University recognized under section 2(f) and 12(B) of the U.G.C. Act 1956)

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